The Rotary Zones 30/31 Disaster Preparedness Workshop will be held on Saturday, April 29th, 2023. It will be conducted in two parts. Part I will start at 9:30 AM CT (10:30 AM ET), and Part II will resume at 12:15 PM CT (1:15 PM ET). Each part will be approximately two hours, with a 45-minute break between sessions.Register Here:Disaster Preparedness Workshop Part 1
Disaster Preparedness Workshop Part 2We’ve Read the Headlines:
- August 2021 – Hurricane Ida, a category four storm, hits Louisiana Gulf Coast.
- December 2021 – Deadly tornados tear through Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee, resulting in 89 fatalities and $3.9 billion in damage.
- March 2022 – the Hatch Mountain wildfire burns over 3,000 acres near Pigeon Forge.
- October 2022 – Illinois experiences serve storms and significant flooding.
- February 2023 – a train carrying hazardous materials derails in Ohio.
- March 2023 – tornado hits communities in Mississippi, killing 26 and virtually wiping a town off the map.
As leaders in your respective Districts and Rotary Clubs:Do you feel your District and Rotary Clubs are adequately prepared for a disaster that might impact you?Does your District have Disaster Response Plans?Does your District have a financial mechanism to handle the receipt, disbursement, and stewardship of funds received from disaster relief donations?Does your district use the best practices followed by Rotary districts worldwise to respond to disasters?This 2-part workshop will answer these questions.The facilitators for the workshop are seasoned Rotarians and leaders in the global Disaster Response Network Rotary Action Group (DNA-RAG), who have successfully dealt with all aspects of planning for and dealing with the impact disasters have on Rotary Districts and the communities they serve.TopicsThe workshop will cover such subjects including:
- Disaster Planning
- Before the disaster
- During the disaster
- After the disaster
- How to craft a practical Disaster Response Plan
- How The Rotary Foundation and DNA-RAG can be of assistance
Who Should Attend
- District Governor Line (Governor, Governor-Elect, Governor-Nominee, and Governor Nominee-designate)
- Current/future District Disaster Committee Chairs
- Current/future Club Disaster Committee Chairs
- Rotarians interested in learning more about the best practices to utilize in preparing for and addressing disaster response at the Club and District level.