Do you have a district event coming up? For too many Rotarians, the “International” of “Rotary International” is sadly missing. For them, Rotary is a weekly meeting and occasional cash donation or hands-on service project. Not all members can afford to attend an International Convention or travel abroad to participate in a service project. But every Rotarian can be exposed to the global network that is Rotary membership, through Fellowships, hosting Friendship, Youth, or Group Study Exchange visitors, attending a project fair, or serving on an intercountry committee. Consider showing a short video to inform and inspire attendees about their many opportunities for international engagement.
Preview and download videos:
five-minute video on Fellowships;
30-second video on Friendship Exchange;
one-minute video on Youth Exchange;
one-minute video on a Project Fair;
one-minute video on Intercountry committees;
three-minute video overview of international engagement opportunities.