Zones 30-31 logo
PATHWAYS to our FUTURE 2.0 Governor line training is on September 27 - 29, 2022 Conference dates are September 29 - October 2, 2022
In Case You Missed It – Zone Conference

Pathways to our Future 2.0, this year’s leadership training and Zone Conference wrapped up Sunday morning after almost a full week of activity. For the first time in a couple of years, our District Governors-Nominee and District Governors-Elect classes met face-to-face for their training. Thursday through Sunday saw past, present, and future leaders from throughout the two Zones to renew friendships, make new friends, enjoy meals, and have conversations that matter.

Chattanooga provided beautiful weather and the conference center was a perfect venue for the group meetings, meals and breakout sessions. The HUB area hosted projects, vendors, and fundraisers. Having the two host hotels adjacent to, and connected to the conference center made for convenient movement back and forth.

See some of the sights below (click on an image to see a larger version). More photos and some short videos, sorted by day of the event, are online at:

Resolve NOW not to miss out on next year’s fun, happening September 19th – 24th.