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Largest Foundation Grant

You may be more familiar with District, Global, and Disaster grants than the one-a-year Program of Scale award. Programs of Scale grants are in their third year and support longer-term, high-impact programs led by Rotarians. At $2 million, these are the largest grants awarded by The Rotary Foundation. A project to fight cervical cancer in Egypt was the recipient of this year’s award. Rotarians will work to vaccinate 30,000 girls against human papillomavirus (HPV) and 10,000 women will be screened for cervical cancer.

This project will be the focus of the next Doing Good in the World: The Rotary Foundation’s Virtual Speaker Series, coming up on Tuesday, December 12th at 10:00 a.m. (Central). Register here for the Zoom session. More information on these awards, the application process and deadlines are available here. It isn’t too early to begin thinking about an application for the next round, which will open in June of next year.