Zones 30-31 logo
Share Learning Center Resources

I know it’s hard to believe, but many members are still unaware of, or don’t take advantage of the numerous and excellent materials on Rotary’s Learning Center. You can help them develop their skills by sharing how to access those materials and pointing them to relevant items.

Accessing the Learning Center:

  • Create your My Rotary account (yes, there are still many Rotarians without one);
  • Sign in to My Rotary;
  • Accept the privacy policy;
  • Choose a topic (About Rotary; Club or District Leadership; Membership; Service; Public Image; etc.);
  • Enroll in a course or pick a more detailed learning plan.

Some of the timely topics for new members and others this time of year:

  • Give new users an overview of all that’s available;
  • Prepare next year’s officers with Club Secretary and Treasurer basics;
  • Learn how to handle club or district administration or how to use Rotary Club Central.