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Public Image Ideas

One quick, easy way to increase engagement is to showcase your projects and their impact in the community. Almost every Rotarian in your club and district is carrying a cellphone with a camera. Encouraging them to take pictures of hands-on projects and sending them to your Public Image Chair is a great way to boost Rotary’s image. They can coordinate massages for a consistent Rotary voice. Don’t forget the Brand Center tools to create compelling ads, flyers, social media posts, and press releases. You’ll also find examples of images that can elevate your message and images to avoid. With the increased use of social media, using images is one way to stand out and attract attention. Photos are ideal captivators, whether for a social media post, flyer, ad, or brochure. For your People of Action stories, you’ll want images that instantly convey the good work your club members are doing. Here are some practical tips to consider when choosing photos:
Show Rotary participants taking action
Feature real-life, everyday moments
Display a sense of motion
Focus on just a few people that viewers can see well
Represent the diversity of your club and community

While some people recognize our brand, many don’t understand who we are or what we do. We can use People of Action messages to show who we are so that people outside Rotary better understand what connects us as we channel our skills and expertise into taking action to solve problems in our communities and around the world. The People of Action message provides a simple, consistent answer to the question, “What is Rotary?” and rallies us around a single idea: telling and showing the world that we are people of action.

If you’re struggling to find additional content to share on social media, you can use the content from Rotary International’s social media accounts for ideas or copy. Your club and district Public Image chairs can have these delivered directly to their inboxes by signing up and turning on notifications for these:
