Applications for the 2025 Rotary Peace Fellowships are open through May 15th. Rotary will award up to 130 fellowships to study at one of our peace centers, located at leading universities around the world. 50 new peace fellows will pursue master’s degrees at six universities in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the United States and 80 fellows will work towards their professional development certificate programs in Uganda and Turkey. They will then go on to work at the local, regional, or global level advancing peace.
It’s time for us to encourage local peacebuilders to learn about Rotary and apply for these fellowships. The peace fellowship program has more than 1,700 alumni working in more than 140 countries. The next one could be the one you encourage to apply. Action steps for you:
- Visit the Rotary Peace Centers Facebook page for application graphics and posts you can share;
- Forward the fellowship announcement to your contacts and include it in your club and district communications;
- Use the referral form so potential candidates can receive more information and apply;
- Share a PowerPoint presentation about the fellowships with your club members and community;
- Take the All About Rotary Peace Fellowships course to learn about the centers and fellowship qualification criteria, eligibility restrictions, and application process.